A green sustainable future for the Sanctuary


Torsten Jörges Asociatia Love Light Romania

8.532% Complete
2,133 RON
Donations raised
25,000 RON
I want to donate!

The Sanctuary is a wonderful place, lots of special people who get given the opportunity of a purposeful life. The people that live at the Sanctuary all lived in orphanges and at the age of 18 they had to leave. Most people with disabilities from orphanges go and live in adult centers where they don’t have a family life, nor do they have any opportunites or puropse in life.

This is why the Sanctuary is special and this is why it is important for Love Light Romania to be more self-sustainable for the future.

My fundraising campaign is aimed at raising money for a solar panel system for the Sanctuary. My part of this project is to raise 5000 euros, 20 euros for each of the 250km that i will be walking.

I have been many times ot the Sanctuary and I have a personal attachemnt to these special people and I am also honoured to be an ammbassador of Love Light Romania. This is very special to me and I would be extremely gratefull for your support in this.

Read the story below or recommend this campaign to your friends.

in benefit of

Love Light România este dedicată deservirii grupurilor marginalizate din România, atât în domeniul HIV, cât și al ciclurilor de sărăcie. Împuternicirea comunităților care altfel nu ar avea acces la o viață sănătoasă, educație sau angajare

We want to install a solar panel system on the Sanctuary to become more self-sufficient. This means we can provide our services to many more people and for a longer amount of time.

Camino Portugues este al doilea Camino din Europa ca popularitate și pornește (în varianta sa mai lungă) din Lisabona, cu finalul la Santiago de Compostela, în Spania. Din Lisabona drumul continuă spre Santarem, Coimbra și Porto, unde există și o varianta de coastă ce urmărește marginea continentului, oferind peisaje de vis cu Oceanul Atlantic. Lungimea traseului este de 610-650km, în


8 Donations

Matthias & Olimpia Specht

250 RON
Großartige Leistung Torsten!
29 May 2023
Congratulations Torsten and thanks for bringing deserved attention to Love Light Romania!
22 May 2023


500 RON
18 May 2023
Auf die alten Zeiten!!!
18 May 2023
16 May 2023
Love it. Keep up the good work!
06 May 2023
Good luck with the walk Torsten ... an amazing effort!
01 May 2023

Catalin Obrijanu

75 RON
30 Apr 2023
Torsten Jörges : Asociatia Love Light Romania
A green sustainable future for the Sanctuary